Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain This Summer

Summer is the time to do some cleaning, plan a trip, and spend time with family and friends. It is also the time to grow vegetables or flowers and keep the yard in tip-top shape. However, any type of landscape cleaning will involve quite a bit of strenuous work. After a long day out working on the yard or garden, give your muscles the much-needed relief to help you be prepared for the next day of work by using the tips provided by our chiropractor, Dr. Christopher Frey, at Circle Chiropractic Center, P.C., in Fairfax.

Take Breaks

You know your body and what your limits are. Remember to take frequent breaks from gardening or yard work and drink plenty of water throughout the day. In doing so, your muscles can relax a bit, and your body can refuel.

Use Heat Pads

Using heat pads instead of cold pads is more effective in alleviating muscle pains. The heat from the pads helps increase blood flow and loosen tension in the muscles, which assists the healing process and helps ease the pain. To avoid burns, apply the heat pad on the affected area for twenty minutes at a time.

See a Chiropractor for Muscle Pain Relief

Seeing a chiropractor after completing your yard work or gardening is the best way to help relieve your muscle pain. Our chiropractor, Dr. Christopher Frey, in Fairfax is trained in the body functions. He can use spinal adjustments to increase blood flow and nerve conductivity to ease your muscle pain. He can also use massage and physical rehabilitation exercises to help you recover faster.

Phone Us to Schedule an Appointment

The warmer months of the year is a great time to give your garden or yard work the attention it needs, but it can also leave you with unwanted pains. If you have muscle pain, talk to our chiropractic professionals at Circle Chiropractic Center, P.C., in Fairfax to book an appointment. We can come up with a plan to help alleviate your muscle pain. Our number is 703-385-2990.

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2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Business Office Open
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Business Office Open
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
9:00 am - 11:30 am

Circle Chiropractic Center, PC

Fairfax, VA

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