Benefits of Stretching

There are a number of benefits associated with stretching and it’s important to add it to your daily routine. Even if you aren’t planning on exercising, both stretching and visiting a chiropractor in Fairfax can do a number of beneficial things for your body.


Stretching helps with flexibility. The more you move your muscles and stretch, the more flexible you become. Over time, stretching becomes even easier, which also allows you to be more flexible.


Stretching improves posture. Poor posture can be reversed by stretching daily. Stretching encourages proper alignment and strengthens the muscles so posture is more vertical and less slouched. Our chiropractor, Dr. Christopher Frey, can also help with posture to prevent further injuries.

Prevent Injuries

The more you prepare your muscles for movement, the more the likelihood of sustaining an injury decreases.

Reduced Soreness and Increased Nutrients

It’s known that stretching helps with circulation, but it also increases the nutrient supply to the muscles. Since stretching allows more blood to flow through the body, nutrients are also being carried and spread throughout. This helps reduce any soreness you feel.

Benefits of Stretching for the Mind

Not only are there a lot of benefits to stretching for the body, but there are also those for the mind. Stretching gives you a mental break to allow you to recharge. This gives you a more peaceful and calmer mindset. Stretching also helps release tension. When overwhelmed, your muscles tighten as a defensive strategy. However, the more you stretch, the less tense your muscles are. Stretching can be an effective form of stress management. Since stretching allows for better blood flow, it helps you feel refreshed and also gives you some more energy.

Visit a Chiropractor

You don’t need to make stretching a time-consuming thing. You can do it for 10 minutes a day just two or three days per week. However, stay on a regular schedule so your body can maintain it's range of motion. If you have trouble with stretching, visiting a chiropractor can help. Our chiropractor, Dr. Christopher Frey in Fairfax, can help you with the proper techniques for stretching in order to get the most benefits. Make an appointment with us today at Circle Chiropractic Center, P.C.

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9:00 am - 11:30 am



2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Business Office Open
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Business Office Open
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
9:00 am - 11:30 am

Circle Chiropractic Center, PC

Fairfax, VA

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